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  • Friday, December 10, 2010
  • Andrea

  • I bear witnessthat there is no god but Alláh and that Muhammad, peace be upon him, is His servant and Messenger, and that 'Alí, the Commander of the Faithful, and the Chief of the Deputies of Alláh, is the Imam whose obedience has been made incumbent by Alláh on all people; and that Hasan and Husayn, 'Alí ibn al-Husayn, Muhammad ibn 'Alí, Ja'far ibn Muhammad, Musa ibn Ja'far, 'Alí ibn Musa, Muhammad ibn 'Alí, 'Alí ibn Muhammad, Hasan ibn 'Alí, and the Living One, the Mahdí (the blessings of Alláh be upon them all), all the Imams of the believers and the Proofs of Alláh for the whole of creation are my Imams, the rightly-guiding and the pious. I bear witness that: Alláh is my God, Muhammad is my Prophet, Islam is my religion, the Qur'án is my scripture, the Ka'aba is my qibla, 'Alí ibn Abú Tálib is my Imam, Hasan ibn 'Alí is my Imam, Husayn, the Martyr of Karbala, son of 'Alí, is my Imam, 'Alí Zayn al-'Ábadín is my Imam, Muhammad al-Báqir is my Imam, Ja'far al-Sádiq is my Imam, Musa al-Kádhim is my Imam, 'Alí al-Ridhá is my Imam, Muhammad al-Taqí is my Imam, 'Alí al-Naqí is my Imam, Hasan al-Askarí is my Imam, and al-Huja al-Muntazar is my Imam. They, upon whom be peace, are my Imáms, Masters and Intercessors before Alláh. I love them, all of them, and shun their enemies in this life and the next.

    I bear witness that: Alláh, the Almighty, the Exalted, is the best Lord; that Muhammad, the blessings of Alláh be upon him and his Family, is the best Prophet; and that the Commander of the Faithful, 'Alí ibn Abú Tálib, and his offspring, are the best Imams; and that the message Muhammad brought from Alláh is true, death is true, the questioning in the grave by Munkar and Nakír is true, the Resurrection of the dead is true, the appearance before Alláh is true, the Bridge (al-sirát) is true, the Divine Scales are true, the dissemination of the book of one's deeds at Doomsday is true, paradise is true, and hell is true; and that there is no doubt about the coming of the inevitable Hour of Reckoning; and that the rising of the dead from their graves is true.


    1) Qadím:Alláh is eternal. He has neither a beginning nor an end.
    2) Qadir: Alláh is omnipotent. He has power over all things.
    3) 'Alim: Alláh is omniscient. He is all-knowing.
    4) Hai: Alláh is living. He is alive and will remain alive forever
    5) Muríd: Alláh has his own discretion is all affairs. He does not do anything out of compulsion.
    6) Mudrik: Alláh is all-perceiving. He is all-hearing, all-seeing, and is omnipresent. Alláh sees and hears everything though he has neither eyes nor ears.
    7) Mutakalim: Alláh is the Lord of the Worlds. He can create speech in anything: the burning bush for Musa and the curtain of light for Muhammad.
    8) Sadiq: Alláh is truthful. His words and promises are true.


    1) Sharík:Alláh has no partners.
    2) Murakab: Alláh is neither made, nor composed, of any material.
    3) Makán: Alláh is not confined to any place and has no body.
    4) Hulúl: Alláh does not incarnate into anything or anybody.
    5) Mahale hawadith: Alláh is not subject to changes. Alláh cannot change.
    6) Marí: Alláh is not visible. He has not been seen, is not seen, and will never be seen, because he has no form or body.
    7) Ihtiyaj: Alláh is not dependant. Alláh is not deficient, so he does not have any needs.
    8) Sifate zayed: Alláh does not have added qualifications. The attributes of Alláh are not separate from His being.


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